Salat: Provisions for praying in congregation and straightening the queue of congregation.

Provisions for praying in congregation and straightening the queue of congregation

The importance of praying in congregation

In every rule of Islam, there are numerous benefits of this world and the hereafter. One of the obligatory provisions in the life of a believer after faith is to pray five times a day. Its welfare cannot be overstated. The procedure for performing these five daily prayers is to perform them in congregation. The importance and many benefits of praying in congregation are mentioned in Hadith Sharif. The importance and virtues of praying in congregation are mentioned here:

* Allah himself has urged to pray in congregation. It is said - 'You bow with those who bow' (Surah: Baqarah: 43). That is, pray with those who pray in congregation.

* Nabiji SA: All his life he performed prayer in congregation and showed that prayer should be performed in congregation. It is stated in the Hadith Sharif that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prayed with the congregation throughout his life. He did not leave the congregation even during his illness before his death. The entire life of the Companions was also spent in that way (Bukhari-Hadith: 644). 

* It is Sunnah Muakkadah for men to pray five times in congregation, which is comparable to Wajib (ie it is close to Wajib) (Muslim, Hadith: 1093).

* It is not permissible not to join the Jamaat without any obligation or disqualification permitted by the Shari'ah. A person who gets into the habit of leaving the Jamaat will be a sinner (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 464).

* If you pray in congregation, you get the reward of 27 rakat in one rakat. It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "The merit of praying in congregation is 27 times greater than praying alone" (Muslim-1477).

* If you pray in congregation, good deeds will be gained at every step and sins will be forgiven. One by one the status increases. It has been mentioned in the Hadith Sharif that the Prophet (PBUH) said that a good person is given a good deed for every step of the person who comes to the mosque and prays. One sin is forgiven. One is increased in status (Muslim-1093).

* If you pray in congregation, you have the opportunity to get the reward of the first row. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, if people knew the reward of the call to prayer and the prayer in the first row, they would have won it even if they played a lottery if necessary (Bukhari-Hadith: 615).

* If you pray in congregation, you can get the reward of worshiping all night. Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Whoever prays Isha in congregation is as if he had worshiped half the night." And if he prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if he prayed the whole night (Muslim-1491).

* If you pray in congregation, you can stay in the protection of Allah all day. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that whoever prays Fajr in congregation is under the protection of Allah. Whoever causes trouble to a person in Allah's custody, Allah will uproot him and throw him into Hell (Majmauz Jawaid-2/29).

* The Prophet spoke harshly in condemning those who leave the Jamaat without any reason. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'By Him in Whose Hand is my life, I wish that I order the collection of wood and order the call to prayer. Then I order a person to lead the people in prayer. And I go to those people who did not attend the prayer congregation and I set fire to their houses' (Bukhari, Hadith: 618).

When and for whom the provision of praying in congregation is not applicable

It is permissible not to attend Jamaat due to certain disabilities. Namely:

1. If it rains in torrents (Bukhari: 1126).

2. If it is very cold, if there is a strong fear of getting sick when leaving the house, there is an opportunity not to join the congregation (Bukhari: 626).

3. If there is more mud on the road (Badrul Munir : 4/419).

4. To be very dark (Jamul Jawameh : 1/3058).

5. If there are excessive clouds at night (Musnad Ahmad: 5302).

6. If sick (Abu Dawud: 464).

7. For the blind (Sahih Bukhari: 627).

8. An old man who is not able to come to the mosque (Ibn Majah: 785).

9. If self-engaged in the care of a patient (Parukta).

10. If there is frequent urination (Tirmidhi: 132).

11. In captivity (Ibn Majah: 785).

12. If one leg or both legs are cut off (Abu Dawud: 464).

13. A disease which renders one unable to walk. Like Ardhanga disease etc. (Pragukta).

14. In front of the food, he is also hungry, the attraction of the mind is towards the food. In such a situation, it will be okay not to go to Jamaat (Sahih Bukhari: 631).

15. When preparing for the trip (Sahih Bukhari: 3/67).

16. If there is a risk of losing any property while going to pray in congregation, one can leave the congregation (Abu Dawud: 464).

17. It is permissible not to attend Jamaat if there is a fear of missing a train, flight or car due to going to Jamaat (Abu Dawud: 464).

It should be noted that it is better for women to pray at home from the mosque. Women will pray at home instead of going to the mosque. This is the Prophet's choice. So women will pay at home.

The importance of straightening the prayer queue

The importance of closing the gap between two people by tying shoulder to shoulder and knot to knot in prayer and filling the queues consistently from the beginning is immense. The Ummah's queue of worship in the earlier era was circular. And the queue of Muhammad's prayers in the Ummah is long. It is a discipline of Islam. Islam does not like chaos and disorder. A real example of this has emerged in the straightening of the queue in prayer.

Many people call it Sunnah, some say it is Mustahab to stand straight in prayer. It is far from Mukhtar, it is wajib to stand behind the imam straight and not to stand is makruh tahrimi.

It is mustahab, sunnat or wajib to stand straight in prayer; In any case, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has given a special warning about standing in front of Qatar. It is mentioned in the hadith-

On the authority of Hazrat Noman Ibn Bashir Radiyallahu Anhu who said, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to straighten our rows as if he was straightening an arrow with him. He would do this until he realized that we understood the matter completely from him.

One day he came out of the house and stood in prayer, and even ventured to say Tahrima in Takbir, when he saw a man standing in front of the row with his chest raised; Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Allah's servants! Either you will stand straight in your rows; Otherwise Allah will create a difference in your faces. (Muslim)

In another Hadith, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, 'Whoever closes the gap between two people, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise and thereby increase his status.

Effect of Qatar Straightening on Muslim Society

The effect of Qatar straightening is reflected in the society. It has an outstanding contribution in building a beautiful society. A society that cares more about the prayer queue will be more beautiful and harmonious. On the authority of Noman Ibn Bashir (RA), he said, Rasulullah (SAW) used to straighten our (prayer) queues, as if he were straightening the wood of a cannon. Until he realized that we understood the matter completely from him. Then he stood in his place and went to recite the Takbeer, and when he saw a man coming forward from the queue, he said, "O servants of Allah, straighten your lines, otherwise Allah will create differences between you." (Muslim, Hadith: 865)

What happens if you put a blank in the middle of the row?

Shaytaan is able to easily deceive those who pray with a gap in the middle of the row. Because Satan resides in this empty space. On the authority of Anas (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Stand together in rows." Keep the rows close together and stand shoulder to shoulder. Muhammad's life in the hands of his oath! I see Satan entering the queue like little goats. (Nasa'i, Hadith: 815)

Keeping a space in the middle of the row reduces the mutual love between people. Conflict in the society increases. Differences between people increase. Just as the bond of order and unity increases among people by straightening the queue, so also if there is no space between the queue, the differences between people are removed. This is an incomparable teaching of Islam. Which is not in any other religion of the world. 

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